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Watch Mein erster Berg - ein Rigi Film Online

2012 - Full Movie

MOVIE SYNOPSIS: You can watch Mein erster Berg - ein Rigi Film, full movie on FULLTV - Of all the films I made mountain, My First Mountain marks the conclusion of my cinematic reflections on rural and alpine Switzerland. I grew up at the entrance to central Switzerland, overlooking the Mount Rigi. Since I was a boy, the stunning scenery of the mountain has never failed to impress me. In 1480, Albrecht von Bonstetten, dean of the Abbey of Einsiedeln, Mount Rigi defined as the center of the universe. In My First Mountain I try to explore this center as a witness of our era. Mount Rigi is also the first mountain for alpine shepherd Martel Schindler. Like his ancestors, he grew up, lives and works in Rigi, who is also a popular tourist and recreational destination. This film attempts to explore two hearts, magnificent scenery and a personal story, to capture an image of time from the heart of Switzerland. - Erich Langjahr -. You are able to watch Mein erster Berg - ein Rigi Film online, download or rent it as well on video-on-demand services (Netflix), pay-TV or movie theaters with original audio in German. This film was premiered in theaters in 2012 (Movies 2012). The official release in theaters may differ from the year of production.

Film classification: General Audiences

Rating: 3/5 by 220 users.

Runtime: 97 minutes the full movie online HD (uncut)





The 97-minute film (full movie) was directed by Erich Langjahr.


Good, meet its target to entertain. The story is interesting.


The original audio of Mein erster Berg - ein Rigi Film has dialogues in or German. The film was produced in Switzerland.


It was premiered in cinemas or television in 2012.

SCREENPLAY Mein erster Berg - ein Rigi Film

Screenplay written by Erich Langjahr.


Erich Langjahr.


This film was produced and / or financed by Langjahr-Film.


Original music composed by Hans Kennel.

WATCH ONLINE Mein erster Berg - ein Rigi Film: STREAMING, BUY OR RENT


As usual, the director filmed the scenes of this film in HD video (High Definition or 4K) with Dolby Digital audio. Without commercial breaks, the full movie Mein erster Berg - ein Rigi Film has a duration of 97 minutes. Possibly, its official trailer stream is on the Internet. You can watch this full movie free with German or English subtitles on movie TV channels, renting the DVD or with VoD services (Video On Demand player, Hulu) and PPV (Pay Per View, Netflix, Amazon Video).

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See the page of this full movie, Mein erster Berg - ein Rigi Film in FULLTV Movies.


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