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Watch Die Prinzessin von St. Wolfgang Online

1957 - Full Movie

Watch Die Prinzessin von St. Wolfgang online streamMOVIE SYNOPSIS: You can watch Die Prinzessin von St. Wolfgang, full movie on FULLTV - The young Josefa Maria , a great-great-granddaughter of Emperor Franz Josef of Austria, is engaged to a count, but she hardly knows him. The young Josefa Maria , a great-great-granddaughter of Emperor Franz Josef of Austria, is engaged to a count, but she hardly knows him. During a holiday visit to her home village of St. Wolfgang, Josefa meets her childhood friend Toni Leitner again, who has opened a prosperous car repair shop. Josefa has heard about... You are able to watch Die Prinzessin von St. Wolfgang online, download or rent it as well on video-on-demand services (Netflix), pay-TV or movie theaters with original audio in German. This film was premiered in theaters in 1957 (Movies 1957). The official release in theaters may differ from the year of production.

Film classification: General Audiences

Rating: 2/5 by 60 users.

Runtime: 90 minutes the full movie online HD (uncut)





The 90-minute film (full movie) was directed by Harald Reinl.


Regular, to pass the time and relax. You can see it and share your opinion in social networks.


The original audio of Die Prinzessin von St. Wolfgang has dialogues in or German. The film was produced in Germany.


It was premiered in cinemas or television in 1957.

SCREENPLAY Die Prinzessin von St. Wolfgang

Screenplay written by Harald Reinl, J. Joachim Bartsch and Ernst Neubach.


Ernst W. Kalinke.

PRODUCERS OF Die Prinzessin von St. Wolfgang

Adolf Rosen and Ernst Neubach.


This film was produced and / or financed by Neubach Film.


Original music composed by Klaus Ogermann.


Casino Film Exchange, Constantin Film, Filmjuwelen and VPH Video Programm.

WATCH ONLINE Die Prinzessin von St. Wolfgang: STREAMING, BUY OR RENT


As usual, the director filmed the scenes of this film in HD video (High Definition or 4K) with Dolby Digital audio. Without commercial breaks, the full movie Die Prinzessin von St. Wolfgang has a duration of 90 minutes. Possibly, its official trailer stream is on the Internet. You can watch this full movie free with German or English subtitles on movie TV channels, renting the DVD or with VoD services (Video On Demand player, Hulu) and PPV (Pay Per View, Netflix Movies, Amazon Prime Video).

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See the page of this full movie, Die Prinzessin von St. Wolfgang in FULLTV Movies.


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