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Watch Los millones de Semillita Online

1950 - Full Movie

Watch Los millones de Semillita online streamMOVIE SYNOPSIS: You can watch Los millones de Semillita, full movie on FULLTV - The millions of Semillita is a black and white film from Argentina directed by Brazilian Bernheim Frederic D' Acosta on Homer Cárpena script and Humberto de la Rosa which was produced in 1950 but never to be released and that featured Amalia Barnabas, Marcelo Ruggero, Semillita, Beatriz Taibo and Aida Villadeamigo. You are able to watch Los millones de Semillita online, download or rent it as well on video-on-demand services (Netflix), pay-TV or movie theaters with original audio in Spanish. This film was premiered in theaters in 1950 (Movies 1950). The official release in theaters may differ from the year of production.

Film classification: +13 years-old

Rating: 3/5 by 71 users.

Runtime: 100 minutes the full movie online HD (uncut)





The 100-minute film (full movie) was directed by Frederic Bernheim D'Acosta.


Good, meet its target to entertain. The story is interesting.


The original audio of Los millones de Semillita has dialogues in or Spanish. The film was produced in Argentina.


It was premiered in cinemas or television in 1950.

SCREENPLAY Los millones de Semillita

Screenplay written by Humberto de la Rosa and Homero Cárpena.

WATCH ONLINE Los millones de Semillita: STREAMING, BUY OR RENT


As usual, the director filmed the scenes of this film in HD video (High Definition or 4K) with Dolby Digital audio. Without commercial breaks, the full movie Los millones de Semillita has a duration of 100 minutes. Possibly, its official trailer stream is on the Internet. You can watch this full movie free with Spanish or English subtitles on movie TV channels, renting the DVD or with VoD services (Video On Demand player, Hulu) and PPV (Pay Per View, Netflix Movies, Amazon Prime Video).

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See the page of this full movie, Los millones de Semillita in FULLTV Movies.


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